
We would love to hear from you! Here are some places you can find us.

Mailing list

Our mailing list is It’s for discussions around MetalLB usage, community support, and developer discussion (although for the latter we mostly use Github directly).


For a more interactive experience, we have the #metallb slack channel on If you’re not already logged into the Kubernetes slack organization, you’ll need to request an invite before you can join.


If you prefer a more classic chat experience, we’re also on #metallb on the Freenode IRC network. You can use Freenode’s web client if you don’t already have an IRC client.

Issue Tracker

Use the GitHub issue tracker to file bugs and features request. If you need support, please send your questions to the metallb-users mailing list rather than filing a GitHub issue.


We welcome contributions to MetalLB! Here’s some information to get you started.

Code of Conduct

This project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution, this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project. Head over to to see your current agreements on file or to sign a new one.

You generally only need to submit a CLA once, so if you’ve already submitted one (even if it was for a different project), you probably don’t need to do it again. When you submit pull requests, a helpful Google CLA bot will tell you if you need to sign the CLA.

Code changes

Before you make significant code changes, please open an issue to discuss your plans. This will minimize the amount of review required for pull requests.

All submissions require review. We use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult GitHub Help for more information on using pull requests.

Code organization

MetalLB’s code is divided between a number of binaries, and some supporting libraries. The libraries live in the internal directory, and each binary has its own top-level directory. Here’s what we currently have, relative to the top-level directory:

  • controller is the cluster-wide MetalLB controller, in charge of IP assignment.
  • speaker is the per-node daemon that advertises services with assigned IPs using various advertising strategies.
  • test-bgp-router is a small wrapper around the BIRD, Quagga and GoBGP open-source BGP routers that presents a read-only interface over HTTP. We use it in the tutorial, and during development of MetalLB.
  • internal/k8s contains the bowels of the logic to talk to the Kubernetes apiserver to get and modify service information. It allows most of the rest of the MetalLB code to be ignorant of the Kubernetes client library, other than the objects (Service, ConfigMap…) that they manipulate.
  • internal/config parses and validates the MetalLB configmap.
  • internal/allocator is the IP address manager. Given pools from the MetalLB configmap, it can allocate addresses on demand.
  • internal/bgp is a very stripped down implementation of BGP. It speaks just enough of the protocol to keep peering sessions up, and to push routes to the peer.

In addition to code, there’s deployment configuration and documentation:

  • manifests contains a variety of Kubernetes manifests. The most important one is manifests/metallb.yaml, which specifies how to deploy MetalLB onto a cluster.
  • website contains the website for MetalLB. The website/content subdirectory is where all the pages live, in Markdown format.

Required software

To develop MetalLB, you’ll need a couple of pieces of software:

  • git, the version control system
  • The Go programming language (notably the go tool)
  • Docker, the container running system
  • Kubectl, the Kubernetes commandline interface
  • Minikube, the Kubernetes sandbox manager (version 0.24 or later)

Optionally, if you want to update the vendored dependency, you’ll need glide, the Go dependency manager

Building the code

Start by fetching the MetalLB repository, with go get

From there, you can use normal Go commands to build binaries and run unit tests, e.g. go install, go test ./internal/allocator.

For development, fork the github repository, and add your fork as a remote in $GOPATH/src/, with git remote add fork<your-github-user>/metallb.git.

Note: the repository must be checked out at $GOPATH/src/ The source code uses canonical import paths, so if you check it out at $GOPATH/src/ or similar, it will fail to compile.

Testing in Minikube

To really test MetalLB fully, you need to run it in a Kubernetes cluster, to verify that all the pieces are working together. The repository has a set of Fabric commands that makes this easy, by setting up a Minikube sandbox and deploying a production MetalLB setup, but running your locally built binaries.

Sandbox setup

Start by running make start-minikube. This will:

  • Create the Minikube sandbox in a local VM
  • Enable the registry addon, so that we can host container images in the sandbox
  • Deploy test-bgp-router, which sets up BIRD, Quagga and GoBGP routers as a pod inside the cluster
  • Deploy MetalLB, which will install the controller and speaker
  • Push a MetalLB configuration that connects MetalLB to the test-bgp-router

At this point, your sandbox is running the precompiled version of MetalLB, pulled from Docker Hub.

You can inspect the state of the test-bgp-router by running minikube service test-bgp-router-ui, which will open a browser tab that shows you the current BGP connections and routing state, as seen by the test routers.

Pushing test binaries

When you’re ready to test a local change you’ve made to MetalLB, you can build and deploy MetalLB containers to your sandbox. First, if you’re using minikube, leave make proxy-to-registry running in a second terminal. This will make the cluster’s internal registry available on localhost, so that we can push to it.

To deploy your changes, run make push. This will:

  • Build all MetalLB binaries (controller, speaker, and test-bgp-router)
  • Build ephemeral container images with those binaries inside
  • Push the ephemeral containers to Minikube’s internal container registry
  • Update the MetalLB deployments and daemonsets to use the ephemeral containers
  • Wait for all the pieces of MetalLB to update

Once the push is done, MetalLB will still be running in your Minikube sandbox, but using binaries built from your local source code instead of the public images.

Note for MacOS users: Since Docker is run inside a virtual machine in MacOS the local registry won’t work out of the box. To make it work you have to add docker.for.mac.localhost:5000 under Insecure registries in your Docker daemon preferences. Once you’ve done that, make push should work.

Docker for Mac config

If you need to get back to a working configuration, make push-manifests will revert MetalLB to running from the public Docker Hub images and the config from the repository.

Sandbox teardown

When you’re done with minikube, run minikube delete to destroy the sandbox.

Existing users of Minikube

If you’re already using minikube, be warned: make start-minikube will touch the default minikube sandbox, and so may interfere with other experiments you have going on.

Testing outside of Minikube

You can also use make push on clusters other than minikube. make push will deploy to whichever cluster your kubectl is currently pointing to.

If your cluster has a local registry, usage instructions are exactly the same as with minikube: leave make proxy-to-registry running in a secondary terminal, and then make push each time you want to test your changes.

If you want to use an external registry, you can specify it with the REGISTRY make variable. For example, make push REGISTRY=danderson will push the docker images to danderson’s account on docker hub, and make the cluster pull from there as well.

Cross compiling

Released versions of MetalLB (0.3.0 and later) use multi-architecture images, and so should work on all platforms supported by kubernetes. However, the dev builds made by make push only build for one architecture, to save time.

By default, make push builds binaries for amd64 (aka x86_64). If you want to test on a different architecture (for example a raspberry pi cluster), you can select the architecture of the dev builds by setting the ARCH make variable to your desired architecture, one of amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, s390x. For example, make push ARCH=arm will build and deploy containers that work on ARM machines.

Build customizations

You can write custom make configuration options to Makefile.defaults, and they will be included as defaults for all builds. For example, if you normally build with go1.10beta1 and push arm64 binaries to a custom registry, you can use the following Makefile.defaults:


To see a list of customizable options and what they do, look at the top of Makefile.

Peering with real BGP routers

While testing, it might be useful to peer with “real” routers outside of the cluster, rather than always use the in-cluster test-bgp-router. If you do so, you need to reconfigure the address pool from the default config! The default configuration uses the TEST-NET-2 IP range from RFC5735, which is reserved for use in documentation and example code. It’s fine to use it with our test-bgp-router, since they doesn’t propagate the addresses beyond themselves, but if you try injecting those addresses into a real network, you may run into trouble.

The website

The website at is pinned to the latest released version, so that users who don’t care about ongoing development see documentation that is consistent with the released code.

However, there is a version of the website synced to the latest master branch at https://master– Similarly, every branch has a published website at <branch name> So if you want to view the documentation for the 0.2 version, regardless of what the currently released version is, you can visit https://v0.2–

When editing the website, you can preview your changes locally by installing Hugo and running hugo server from the website directory.