Release Notes

Version 0.3.0

Documentation for this release

Action required if upgrading from 0.2.x:

  • The bgp-speaker DaemonSet has been renamed to just speaker. Before applying the manifest for 0.3.0, delete the old daemonset with kubectl delete -n metallb-system ds/bgp-speaker. This will take down your load-balancers until you deploy the new DaemonSet.
  • The configuration file format has changed in a few backwards-incompatible ways. You need to update your ConfigMap by hand:
    • Each address-pool must now have a protocol field, to select between ARP and BGP mode. For your existing configurations, add protocol: bgp to each address pool definition.
    • The advertisements field of address-pool has been renamed to bgp-advertisements, and is now optional. If you don’t need any special advertisement settings, you can remove the section entirely, and MetalLB will use a reasonable default.
    • The communities section has been renamed to bgp-communities.

New features:

  • MetalLB now supports ARP advertisement, enabled by setting protocol: arp on an address pool. ARP mode does not require any special network equipment, and minimal configuration. You can follow the ARP mode tutorial to get started. There is also a page about ARP mode’s behavior and tradeoffs, and documentation on configuring ARP mode.
  • The container images are now multi-architecture images. MetalLB now supports running on all supported Kubernetes architectures: amd64, arm, arm64, ppc64le, and s390x.
  • You can now disable automatic address allocation on address pools, if you want to have manual control over the use of some addresses.
  • MetalLB pods now come with Prometheus scrape annotations. If you’ve configured your Prometheus-on-Kubernetes to automatically discover monitorable pods, MetalLB will be discovered and scraped automatically. For more advanced monitoring needs, the Prometheus Operator supports more flexible monitoring configurations in a Kubernetes-native way.
  • We’ve documented how to Integrate with the Romana networking system, so that you can use MetalLB alongside Romana’s BGP route publishing.
  • The website got a makeover, to accommodate the growing amount of documentation in a discoverable way.

This release includes contributions from David Anderson, Charles Eckman, Miek Gieben, Matt Layher, Xavier Naveira, Marcus Söderberg, Kouhei Ueno. Thanks to all of them for making MetalLB better!

Version 0.2.1

Documentation for this release

Notable fixes:

  • MetalLB unable to start because Kubernetes cannot verify that “nobody” is a non-root user (#85)

Version 0.2.0

Documentation for this release

Major themes for this version are: improved BGP interoperability, vastly increased test coverage, and improved documentation structure and accessibility.

Notable features:

  • This website! It replaces a loose set of markdown files, and hopefully makes MetalLB more accessible.
  • The BGP speaker now speaks Multiprotocol BGP (RFC 4760). While we still only support IPv4 service addresses, speaking Multiprotocol BGP is a requirement to successfully interoperate with several popular BGP stacks. In particular, this makes MetalLB compatible with Quagga and Ubiquiti’s EdgeRouter and Unifi product lines.
  • The development workflow with Minikube now works with Docker for Mac, allowing mac users to hack on MetalLB. See the hacking documentation for the required additional setup.

Notable fixes:

  • Handle multiple BGP peers properly. Previously, bgp-speaker mistakenly made all its connections to the last defined peer, ignoring the others.
  • Fix a startup race condition where MetalLB might never allocate an IP for some services.
  • Test coverage is above 90% for almost all packages, up from ~0% previously.
  • Fix yaml indentation in the MetalLB manifests.

Version 0.1.0

Documentation for this release

This was the first tagged version of MetalLB. Its changelog is effectively “MetalLB now exists, where previously it did not.”