ARP mode tutorial

In this tutorial we deploy MetalLB in a cluster and announce a load-balanced IP using ARP. We assume you have a bare metal cluster already running, for example a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster.

The nice thing about ARP mode is that you don’t need any fancy network hardware at all, it should just work on any ethernet network.

Here is the outline of what we’re going to do:

  1. Install MetalLB on the cluster,
  2. Configure MetalLB to announce using ARP mode and give it some IP addresses to manage,
  3. Create a load-balanced service, and observe how MetalLB sets it up.

Cluster addresses

For this tutorial, we’ll assume the cluster is set up on a network using The main router is configured to hand out DHCP address in the— range.

We need to allocate another chunk of this IP space for MetalLB services. We’ll use ( to for this.

If your cluster is not using the same addresses, you’ll need to substitute the appropriate address ranges in the rest of this tutorial. We’ll point out the places where you need to make edits.

Install MetalLB

MetalLB runs in two parts: a cluster-wide controller, and a per-machine protocol speaker.

Install MetalLB by applying the manifest:

kubectl apply -f

This manifest creates a bunch of resources. Most of them are related to access control, so that MetalLB can read and write the Kubernetes objects it needs to do its job.

Ignore those bits for now, the two pieces of interest are the “controller” deployment, and the “speaker” DaemonSet. Wait for these to start by monitoring kubectl get pods -n metallb-system. Eventually, you should see some running pods.

controller-74d6b85f86-xw5mx   1/1       Running   0          32m
speaker-kr2ks                 1/1       Running   0          31m
speaker-skfrp                 1/1       Running   0          31m
speaker-zmtb4                 1/1       Running   0          32m

You should see one controller pod, and one speaker pod for each node in your cluster.

Your pods will have a slightly different names, because the suffix is randomly generated.

Nothing has been announced yet, because we didn’t supply a ConfigMap, nor a service with a load-balanced address.

Configure MetalLB

We have a sample MetalLB configuration in manifests/example-arp-config.yaml. Let’s take a look at it before applying it:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: config
  config: |
    - name: my-ip-space
      protocol: arp

If you used different IP addresses in your cluster, change the IP range in this configuration before applying it.

MetalLB’s configuration is a standard Kubernetes ConfigMap, config under the metallb-system namespace. It contains two pieces of information: what IP addresses it’s allowed to hand out and which protocol to do that with.

In this configuration we tell MetalLB to hand out address from the range, using ARP (protocol: arp). Apply this configuration:

kubectl apply -f

The configuration should take effect within a few seconds. By following the logs we can see what’s going on: kubectl logs -l app=speaker -n metallb-system:

I1217 10:18:05.212018       1 leaderelection.go:174] attempting to acquire leader lease...
I1217 10:18:07.312902       1 bgp_controller.go:176] Start config update
I1217 10:18:07.403537       1 bgp_controller.go:243] End config update
I1217 10:18:07.403748       1 arp_controller.go:128] Start config update
I1217 10:18:07.403883       1 arp_controller.go:143] End config update

The speaker has loaded the configuration, but hasn’t done anything else yet, because there are no LoadBalancer services in the cluster.

Create a load-balanced service

manifests/tutorial-2.yaml contains a trivial service: an nginx pod, and a load-balancer service pointing at nginx. Deploy it to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Wait for nginx to start by monitoring kubectl get pods, until you see a running nginx pod. It should look something like this:

NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-558d677d68-j9x9x       1/1       Running   0          47s

Once it’s running, take a look at the nginx service with kubectl get service nginx:

NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
nginx     LoadBalancer   80:31517/TCP   1d

We have an external IP! Looking through the logs of speaker we see it happening:

I1217 10:18:07.409788       1 arp_controller.go:53] default/nginx: start update
I1217 10:18:07.409867       1 arp_controller.go:96] default/nginx: announcable, making advertisement
I1217 10:18:07.409977       1 arp_controller.go:107] default/nginx: end update
I1217 10:19:01.905426       1 leader.go:61] Sending unsolicited ARPs for 1 addresses
I1217 10:19:05.005671       1 arp.go:96] Request: who-has  tell (b4:75:0e:63:b2:20). reply: is-at b8:27:eb:86:e2:85
I1217 10:19:05.105780       1 arp.go:96] Request: who-has  tell (b4:75:0e:63:b2:20). reply: is-at b8:27:eb:86:e2:85
I1217 10:19:05.235623       1 arp.go:96] Request: who-has  tell (b4:75:0e:63:b2:20). reply: is-at b8:27:eb:86:e2:85

MetalLB is sending out unsolicited ARP responses and replies to ARP requests with the MAC address of the node that has won the master election. It is using the first address of the assigned range (

When you curl you should see the default nginx page: “Welcome to nginx!”